Friday, January 25, 2008

Decisions - 2nd thoughts

Ok, it has taken a few weeks to come to a conclusion but reality does interfere once and a while. The knee isn't good enough to try and ramp mileage. I would be bummed more but the reality was influenced by some sub zero weather which drained my enthusiasm. Said another way, I wimped out and didn't get my rear out the door.

Plan B begins - start to get the base back, target an April marathon and see what happens.

The question is which one?

What about

April 26th: Trestle Valley in Bismark, ND
April 26th: Vasque Free State in Lawrence, KS (could up it to a 40m or 100k)
May 4th: Lincoln in Lincoln, Nebraska
May 17th: Fargo in Fargo, ND

I could even think about doing two of them :-)

Oh decisions, decisions..............

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