- Current total mileage (since December 1991) - 15,815 miles as of today
- 2009 YTD mileage - 244 miles
- Highest mileage year - 2008 - 1350 miles
- 2nd highest mileage year - 1997 - 1305 miles
- Yearly average miles - 962 miles
- Lowest mileage year - 2003 - 441 miles
- Best 5 year period (1993-1998) - 1131 miles
- Worst 5 year period (2001-2005) - 698 miles
- Year with the most high mileage months - 5 months in 2008
- Years with other high mileage months - 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000
- Month with the highest total - 151 miles - September of 1995
- Month with the lowest total - 91 miles - December of 1996
- Highest average month - September - 103.35 miles
- 2nd highest average month - April - 93.53 miles
- 3rd highest average month - August - 93.53 miles
- Lowest average month - November - 62.06 miles
- 2nd lowest average month - December - 62.88 miles
- 3rd lowest average month - July - 63.06 miles
- January - 1998 - 113
- February - 1997 - 105
- March - 1997 - 145
- April - 2008 - 146
- May - 1994 - 124
- June - 2008 - 126
- July - 2008 - 139
- August - 2000 - 137
- September - 1995 - 151
- October - 2008 - 133
- November - 2008 - 130
- December - 1996 - 91
Distance PR's
1 mi - 06:02 - 07/30/95 - Run for the Gold (only timed mile I have ever done)
5k - 20:48 - 10/17/94 - Grand Tour (Total of 7 5k's)
4 miler - 27:54 - 07/22/96 - Run for the Gold (# of 4 milers - 4)
8k - 35:40 - 07/04/97 - AV 4th of July (# of 8k's - 10)
10k - 44:38 - 04/30/94 Get in Gear (# of 10k's - 8)
15k - 01:13:35 - 09/10/95 - JJ Days (# of 15k's - 1)
20k - 01:48:20 - 04/09/94 - Rochester (# of 20k's - 1)
1/2 marathon - 01:44:59 - 05/10/97 - New Prague (# of 1/2 Marathons - 20)
25k - 02:09:49 - 09/07/97 - City of Lakes (# of 25k's - 5)
20 miler - 03:48:00 - 09/12/98 - Ready 2 Rock (# of 20 milers - 1)
Marathon - 04:02:33 - 06/19/93 - Grandmas & TCM - 10/08/95 (# of Marathons - 31)
50k - 07:44:10 - 07/05/08 - Afton 50k (# of 50k's - 4)
Notice how most of PR's were in the mid 90's. I would like to say it was age that caught up to me but in my case it was injuries (two knee surgeries 99 & 03) which led to some weight gain followed by a loss of motivation to run shorter distances and to work hard and I quit being consistent in my training.
So in 2009, my plan is to add back in some shorter distance races or at least add speed workouts and to still continue to run the longer distances. May or may not go together but it is what I want and need to do.
You are to organized... Making me think I should compile mine, but I am to lazy... Hope health stays with you and we can hit the trails in a few weeks... If you do not mind a 11 minute mile or slower?
I can't even tell you how many miles I ran last month, none the less 10 years ago.
Most of my pr's are in races of longer distances (my mile pr was in a 5k... my 10 mile in a marathon...)
I never wrote any of it down, so I have to ballpark it.
I didn't keep very good records most years I ran well, but your best years were 15 years later than mine!
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